المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اكثر من 500 كلمات هامه للمبتدين

صياد الاسود
16-05-2010, 11:00 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذه ان شاء الله الحلقة الثالثة من مصطلحات و تعبيرات اللغة الانجليزية أرجو أن تعجبكم

Break the ice
to pave the way for a certain matter

مهد الأمور او مهد الطريق لأمر ما
Ali took along time to break the ice to talk to me about his deeds .

look blue

An awfully sad person
يبدو حزيناً
He looks blue .

to be in the clouds

to be out of his mind
يصبح شارد الذهن
Ali is in the clouds . He must be thinking about a certain matter .

to go banana

To drive somebody crazy
سأجن او سأفقد عقلي
What are you saying? I can not understand any thing . I will go banana

It rains cats and dogs

It is raining heavily
انها تمطر بغزاره
Let's go in there . It is raining cats and dogs

the centre of the gab

he is the focus of attention of all the attendants و يعنى جذب الانتباه و خاصة حينما يكون الفرد طلق اللسان
He is excellent .He was the centre of the gab yesterday

It's a piece of cake

A very easy something to do
إنه لأمر سهل جدا
The exam was very easy it was no more than a piece of cake

in cold blood

On purpose مع سبق الاصرار و الترصد
The criminal killed the old man in cold blood
Out of date

Some thing that is old
شئ قديم بطلت موضته

She is always wearing out of date clothes

Up to date

Some thing that is very modern
حديث جدا أو مواكب للعصر
I have seen the most up to date cars you can ever imagine

On the horns of dilemma

In a complete mess
فى حيص بيص أو فى حيرة من أمره
He was to confused . He was in on the horns of dilemma

to lead a dog's life

to live a distributed life يحيا حياة مليئة بالقلق
The escaped criminal leads a dogs life

On edge

To be very furious
عصبى او متوتر
He is always on edge

Cool as cucumber

Ultimately quiet هادئ تماما
All persons around him in the quarrel were furious except for him , he was cool as cucumber

Drop off

To visit someone suddenly بمعنى يزور فجأة بدون سابق موعد
We dropped him off at 3 o'clock .

Of no avail

بلا جدوى أو بلا طائل
He tried to do his best but his efforts were of no avail

This is a hot air

Nonsense talking هذا كلام لا فائدة منه
Do not bear his threats in mind , this is a hot air

Crystal clear

Very clear واضح جلى كالشمس
Facts now are crystal clear

أرجو أن تعجبكم و لا تنسوا باقى الحلقات و الدعاء لى و للمسلمين بالهداية و الرشاد

بن هادي العريفي
16-05-2010, 11:30 PM
thank you so much for this useful information
شكراً صياد الاسود على هذة المعلومات المفيدة.

17-05-2010, 02:48 AM
Thanks alot